Introducing Love Noteby Lella Boutique!
From the designer…
Every collection I’ve done has told a story. This one is a message of love for my grandmother, Marguerite. It’s a Love Note.
She was a lover of flower gardens painting and reading, especially books by Louisa May Alcott. For Marguerite, I’ve gathered sweet daisies, painterly roses, dainty hearts, a soft herringbone, and colored them in precious pinks, dusty blues and earthy greens. You will even find a few pages from Grandma’s antique copy of « Rose in Bloom ». May this Love Note find it’s way into your heart.
The Lovey DoveyQuilt Kit includes pattern and fabric forquilt top and binding. This kit comes in a keepsake box.
Finished quilt size is 72 x 72.
*Backing sold separately. Order your Lovey Dovey Backing Set HERE.
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